Photo – The circle is closed


You can’t always recall the first fish you caight on your own, you might remember it vaguely but it’s more trough the stories from your father who was there to witness it. There’s been fish caught way later than that first one that you will remember for the rest of your life.

But the day your son catches his first fish, on his own, and you are there to see it and help him land it and it is in the same waters that you yourself caught your first fish some 30 years ago. When that day comes, you will remember that fish and that day for the rest of your life and cherish that memory as something more special than any fish you yourself will ever catch.

The circle is closed.

About Ulf Hagström

Fly fishing, fly tying, family and going your own way; the way of the fly. View all posts by Ulf Hagström

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