Monthly Archives: November 2012

Pike season almost over

I’ve now spent more days on the pike fly fishing waters this season than any previous season, ever. And after 8 months since I started this season I still haven’t got a nice sized fish to show for it. It’s a bit frustrating actually. And it’s not for lacking being in contact with bigger fish, especially this past spring I was in contact with several fish over the meter mark but didn’t land any of them.

Oh well, there are still a short span left of this season, and as long as there are no ice I will keep fishing. Hoping these two new articulated flies will do the trick! I was out for three hours with a friend this past weekend, in his boat on his waters so to speak. He’s not a fly fisherman (no one’s perfect) which is something I like because it is very interesting to learn from other fishing styles too. He had way more fish contacts with me this time and all of those was on a copper colored Buster jerk lure. So even if it looks more gold than bronze the second fly below is my take on imitating that lure of his.


Chris Sandford’s Wee wing emerger

If you haven’t seen it I recomed that you check it out. Chris is one of the nicest persons you can meet and extremely funny too and as you can see he’s quite the fly tyer aswell!

CDC, quill and partridge emerger (CQP – emerger)

A little freestyling at the vise, clearly inspired by the very nice emerger tied by my Friend Dave Wiltshire CDC loop merger 

Hook: Partridge of Redditch Klinkhammer special size 16
Thread: Veevus Threads 14/0
Abdomen: Polish Quills stripped peacock quill Olive
Thorax: Partridge feather and hare’s dubbing
Thorax cover: Polish quill Natural CDC

Underwater shots

Been trying to take some new photos of flies underwater/on the water, here’s a first example featuring  my own SRM emerger. Think it turned out pretty cool actually 🙂

Here’s the fly out of the water:


And here’s the fly on the water: